Sending in a proposal? Tip to avoid a common trap!

Sending in a proposal? Tip to avoid a common trap!

Consider the following scenario….a salesperson goes to meet a prospect. The meeting goes well. There is good rapport. The salesperson learns about the prospect’s business. The prospect even shares some of their issues and an interest in finding out more about what the salesperson has to offer. All good so far. However, danger lurks! Hope is raised but often only to be dashed in the fullness of time.

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If you are going to do it, do it right - Developing Sales Capability

If you are going to do it, do it right - Developing Sales Capability

For too long, training and development has suffered from being seen as a ‘nice to have’. In many cases, it is the first budget to get cut when the purse strings are being tightened. Now I know, given what I do for a living, I might be slightly biased but I don’t get it! Firstly, organisations are made up of people. Secondly, most of these people are constantly being asked to do what they do better, cheaper and faster and finally, no-one is the finished article (or at least no-one has admitted it to me!).  If this is the case, surely boosting the motivation, skill and confidence of an organisation’s people – which is what development is all about - is pretty fundamental.

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