You can lead a horse to water.....

You can lead a horse to water.....

Does the following scenario sound familiar? Your company invests a significant amount of time, effort and money on a new sales, leadership or customer service training programme. It is launched with a certain degree of fanfare. The launch goes well – there is plenty of initial excitement and enthusiasm. However, in the end, there is little or no tangible improvement in performance and a few years later, more time, effort and money is spent on a new initiative.

Why does this happen? 

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Three Steps to Behavioural Change Heaven

Three Steps to Behavioural Change Heaven

Human beings are resistant to change. Nothing new in that statement however over the years, many a change programme has floundered on those rocks. In truth, the business world has never really got to grips with the challenge. However, this is no longer an option. The business world has changed forever and no-one will be left untouched by the need to change, adapt and acquire new skills.

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Empowerment....yeah, right!

Empowerment....yeah, right!

Empowerment has got to be one of the most over used words in the modern business lexicon. Everyone talks about how important it is but if there is ever a word that qualifies for the “Easy to talk the talk but walking the walk, that’s completely different” award, then surely it’s the word empowerment.

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If you are going to do it, do it right - Developing Sales Capability

If you are going to do it, do it right - Developing Sales Capability

For too long, training and development has suffered from being seen as a ‘nice to have’. In many cases, it is the first budget to get cut when the purse strings are being tightened. Now I know, given what I do for a living, I might be slightly biased but I don’t get it! Firstly, organisations are made up of people. Secondly, most of these people are constantly being asked to do what they do better, cheaper and faster and finally, no-one is the finished article (or at least no-one has admitted it to me!).  If this is the case, surely boosting the motivation, skill and confidence of an organisation’s people – which is what development is all about - is pretty fundamental.

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