You can lead a horse to water.....

You can lead a horse to water.....

Does the following scenario sound familiar? Your company invests a significant amount of time, effort and money on a new sales, leadership or customer service training programme. It is launched with a certain degree of fanfare. The launch goes well – there is plenty of initial excitement and enthusiasm. However, in the end, there is little or no tangible improvement in performance and a few years later, more time, effort and money is spent on a new initiative.

Why does this happen? 

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Three Steps to Behavioural Change Heaven

Three Steps to Behavioural Change Heaven

Human beings are resistant to change. Nothing new in that statement however over the years, many a change programme has floundered on those rocks. In truth, the business world has never really got to grips with the challenge. However, this is no longer an option. The business world has changed forever and no-one will be left untouched by the need to change, adapt and acquire new skills.

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Lessons FOR sport FROM business

Lessons FOR sport FROM business

A huge amount is written about what business people can learn from great sports people. In fact, entire post sporting careers have been built on speaking engagements that pass on the insights from sporting success to the workplace - much of which makes good sense. However, being a champion of good business practice and a self-confessed sports nut, I wonder if we can invert this and look at the lessons managers in sport can potentially learn from managers in business. 

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Organisational Gold Dust - Peak engagement, motivation and performance

Organisations talk a lot about Employee Engagement. On the face of it, this promises much. Truly engaged employees contribute more, give better service, embrace change, are stronger advocates for brands and are more creative. As a result, many organisations are investing huge sums of time, effort and money into defining, understanding and improving the engagement of their people. So how do we ensure that this is not another false dawn and doesn’t join the list of popular initiatives that have failed to transform business in the way they were intended? 

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