Do your customers like you, trust you and rate you?

Do your customers like you, trust you and rate you?

Years ago, I was given some very valuable advice about whether or not to go into partnership with someone. “You need to like them, trust them and rate them” was what I was told. I was also advised that it is not often that you will find all three of these conditions are met. It has proven a very valuable  benchmark for me down the years. However I also think that it might be a useful yardstick for us to assess what our customers might think of us.

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Trust me, I am a salesperson!

Trust me, I am a salesperson!

To some, the words ‘salesperson’ and ‘trust’ do not belong in the same sentence. Worse still, even the mere mention of the word ‘selling’ or ‘salesperson’ is enough to send some buyers into a spin. Now of course most of us in sales are a touch (OK much) more sophisticated than the old Del Boy image of sheepskin coat, slicked back hair, bling covered hands and the “Alright my son…” opening gambit however there are still many salespeople who seem to miss some of the more subtle and very impactful ways that trust can be both lost and built.

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Organisational Gold Dust - Peak engagement, motivation and performance

Organisations talk a lot about Employee Engagement. On the face of it, this promises much. Truly engaged employees contribute more, give better service, embrace change, are stronger advocates for brands and are more creative. As a result, many organisations are investing huge sums of time, effort and money into defining, understanding and improving the engagement of their people. So how do we ensure that this is not another false dawn and doesn’t join the list of popular initiatives that have failed to transform business in the way they were intended? 

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